Stay Safe

A traffic jam. On moving closer, the commotion appeared to be caused by an accident. A badly damaged bike, a dented car, pieces of shattered glass lay sprawling in the road. There was blood too. People carried an unresponsive body presumed dead. The now stopped watch with its shattered glass showed the exact time of its owner’s misfortune.

It was just another day in the life of the Mehras. Their elder son had his breakfast and left for his office in a hurry. Like other days too, Rahul bid goodbyes to his mom and sister before leaving and they asked him to ride well and enquired about his return time.

Everything occurred like any other normal day until that very moment. All it takes is just one second of misfortune to alter the course of life of an entire family. Rahul’s face looked so peaceful in death unlike the animated face when he lived. He was in his early 20s, full of dreams, full of energy, full of life. A sister lost her brother. A mother lost her son. A father lost his son while several others lost a friend. If only tears of loved ones worked as the elixir of life.

The dead ones are gone but Death is cruelest to the kin of the dead. It sucks the life out of them and leaves them dead in their life. Rahul’s Facebook profile still showed him as smiling. The order he placed few days ago was out for delivery today. His mailbox was flooded with all kinds of promotional offers yet again. If only somebody offered him a second chance at life.

Life is precious. Dying in a road accident is as bad as it can ever get. Please, please, please follow the traffic rules while you are out on the roads whether you are walking, cycling, riding or driving. Stay safe and let others stay safe.

Those who seek thrill in speed are free to join any racing circuits but road isn’t the place to show off or impress anyone. If not for yourself, think about your loved ones, before you break any rule.

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