
Death, it's a truthMay be the ultimate truthOne can't look away from itHowever hard one wishes for it Even stars dieBut then it shines throughout its lifeBefore it explodes in a supernovaTurning into nebulaA cradle for new stars I can make peace with such deathThe natural order of thingsWhere dead give way to youngWhere a... Continue Reading →


Dark clouds loom over the horizon and the howl of the wind feels like the shrieking of haunted souls. The lights have gone out as well. I light a candle and sit beside the window. Soon the wind stops and it starts raining, first in trickles and then in torrents. The glass windowpane gets hazy,... Continue Reading →

Fleeting Thoughts

I sat musing about lifeWhen something flutteredA butterfly? A fallen leaf? I see a dash of sunshineA bird it is..Streaks of yellow in its bellyHopping about, a moment hereNext hanging upside down So are my thoughtsFleeting; flitting aboutThe twigs of memoriesOf days gone by..

Falling In Love

He checks his watch frantically inside the cab. Her train is scheduled to arrive in the next half n hour. The red signals at the traffic don't help his anxiety either. He made it to the station just on time to find the train was running late. Tired and hungry after the day's work, he... Continue Reading →

Heartbreak 1; Love 0

All the living souls with whom he once shared real memories were now just reduced to circles of their images on WhatsApp. Some lived in the same town and some even worked in the same campus. Having found life not the way they imagined it to be, everyone including him were wounded from within, their... Continue Reading →

The Terminal

The crisp suit on his chiseled body, the black aviator sun glass on his fair-skinned face reeked of arrogance. He was travelling abroad for the first time. As he stood there waving his hand just before the final call to board the flight, his smile was intact. Underneath those black lenses were his red eyes,... Continue Reading →


Between her day long classes and the rest of the time spent bent over her books, she rarely got the time to check even her phone. Let alone a thought of someone cross her mind. Yet somehow his memories escaped through some crack in time. Though it had been almost a year since they broke... Continue Reading →


Ishaan hated going to school, especially on Mondays. He would cook up all kinds of excuses but to no avail. His parents would make sure; he would get ready for school in time. That day as his father drove him to the school, they had to stop at the signal as the light turned red.... Continue Reading →

Missing Identity

Handcuffed and blind folded, he was dragged outside his cell; his face covered with unruly beard, the little bit of cloth that he had on his upper body tattered revealing the marks of torture. He had been languishing in a prison in an alien land for the last twenty years. Falsely implicated for spying, today... Continue Reading →

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